I have been single since I ended my London escorts career. At first, I thought it was pretty cool to be singled. Working for London escorts had taken up a major part of my life. I do not regret having worked for cheap escorts in London for one single moment. However, it was time for me to move on. I found another job and before I knew it, a year had passed and I had not been out on a date with a man. Do I miss male company? Yes, I will admit that I really miss male attention. What should you do if you would like to find a companion?

Join A Dating App

Over the last few weeks, I have been exploring various avenues as far as finding a man is concerned. I guess many would think that a girl who used to work for a London escorts agency would find it easy to find a man. That is not the case. I know several London escorts who find themselves “relationship challenged” when it comes to finding a man after London escorts. Dating has certainly changed a lot. One of the things that you can do is to join a dating app to try to find yourself a man.

Get Fixed Up

Do you have a large social circle? When I worked for London escorts, my social circle was larger than it is now. In many ways, my world seems to have shrunk and I know fewer people now than I used to do when I worked for London escorts. None of my current friends know that I used to work as an escort in London. Also, they have totally different lifestyles from me. I could ask them to fix me up with a guy, but how would I explain to him what I used to do for a living, and how I came to afford my rather fancy London flat? That would not be an easy problem to overcome.

Put Yourself Out There

I keep thinking if I could “put myself out there”. I have a lot of interests and hobbies and I guess I could join a couple of clubs to pursue my interests. That is a piece of advice I used to give to the men I dated when I worked for London escorts. Many of them were looking for love and had a hard time finding the right partner. I always told them to get stuck in with a hobby or an interest to see if they could find a partner. It is one of the other things that you can try.

But, there is one big but here, I really enjoy being single. I would like to have a man in my life but it would have to be very much on my own terms. When I worked for London escorts, I always felt that I was obliged to look after the men I spent time with on dates. I really don’t want to go down that road again. Yes, it would be nice to have some great sex, go out to dinner but I am certainly not sure that I want to be in a fully committed relationship. Maybe I would be better off finding myself a friend with benefits instead of a permanent partner.